Flow Image Style & Colour Consultants

Flow Image Style & Colour Consultants

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Colour Analysis - What Is It All About?!

01 March 2023

Some of you have had your colours done and know what to do. However, many still have questions about colour analysis and wonder what is it all about! So, this month I thought to give you some answers and explain why now more than ever, is a great time to invest in yourself.

Colour Analysis - Frequently Asked Questions

Q:"I don't want to be pigeon-holed"

A: A colour consultation with me is more than showing you your colours. My aim is to understand you as a person and your style personality. Just because you're the same colouring as Vivienne Westwood, doesn't mean that you have the same need to stand out in a crowd. By understanding you, I can show you how to wear your best colours.

Q:"You'll tell me I can't wear black"

A: I will never tell you that you can't wear black, or indeed any other colour. I will show you how to wear it to achieve your best look.

Q:"It's old fashioned to have your colours done"

A: Quite the opposite. Understanding how to wear and combine different colours enables you to build a cohesive, versatile, modern and lifestyle appropriate wardrobe.

Q: "Isn't that something that they did in the 80s?"

A: Indeed, colour analysis has been around for many years! But the system has moved on from the dated 80s look. In fact, many of my clients are surprised at how modern "CMB" approach to colour is. My Virtual Consultation service is one example of how things have moved with the times.

Q: "I don't have the budget to start my wardrobe all over again"

A: I will show you how to have fewer clothes in your wardrobe but more to wear, and encourage you to work with what you already have. And of course this helps the environment too.

Q: "Colour Analysis is expensive"

A: Having your colours analysed will prevent you from making expensive shopping mistakes. You only have to look in your own wardrobe to see those rash purchases. Take a moment to tot up how much you have wasted. I am confident that the figure will be more than a colour consultation with me. Full colour analysis is GBP165 for the face-to-face session and GBP90 for the Virtual colour - Introduction To Colour analysis.

Is It Still Relevant?

Your access to fashion and trends has never been more so, with daily updates from online magazines, social media and celebrities. It's very easy to copy the style of someone you admire, but executing this successfully is another matter. Armed with the knowledge from the Colour Consultation will enable you to emulate a look, but with your own personal spin, so that you look great too.

The slow fashion movement is gaining momentum, and this very much aligns with my own values; buy less, buy better, wear more. I can show you how to make more outfits out of your clothes through careful selection of colour.

Why Did We Move Away From Seasons

I was trained in the seasonal approach in 2005 but found the system to be somewhat restrictive and confusing, often clients had shades in their palette that were not their best. With this in mind, CMB developed a new system, which is much more flexible and based on the Albert Munsell Colour System that specifies colours based on three properties of colour: hue (undertone), chroma (colour intensity or clarity), and value (depth of a colour).

I Don't Just Show You Your Colours

Everyone can wear colour, but not every shade of every colour. For example, there will be certain shades of blue that make your eyes sparkle and give you a vibrant, younger and healthier look. But there will also be shades that make you appear dull, tired and even older.

During a colour analysis, you will be shown your very best shades of every colour, and more importantly how to wear these. I will also show you how to 'rescue' shades that are not so good on you. Don't worry, I never tell you to throw away clothes. I show you how to wear them within your colour palette.

I also feel it is important that my clients receive their best shades as fabric swatches rather than prints so you will walk away from your consultation with your personalised wallet containing 42 fabric swatches.

It Matters What You Wear On Your Face Too!

As part of the face-to-face Colour Consultation, I will show you an easy but effective make-up routine in colours that complement your skin tone and features. Be confident in the fact that I will only let you purchase cosmetics that suit you, so even your make-up bag gets a make-over!.

CMB make-up is available to purchase direct from Flow image website.

Are You Ready To Book Your Appointment?

email me for more information

Keep safe and healthy and when life gets you down, be kind to yourself!


Snjezana Soft-Warm-Deep


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